music inner city

Does Kanye West Really Need Therapy?

“One Man’s Opinion” by Gordon Curvey

Ladies aKanye-West-2016nd gentlemen it is time I do a story on the very talented but confused Kanye West here on “Music Inner City News Magazine”.

I try not to bash African Americans on my sites but in this case I have to get it in. Not bashing West just giving my views.

Guess people really started to wonder what is really going on with West when he jumped on stage and surprised everyone including Taylor Swift a few years ago and took the microphone and said Beyonce should have won a award and not Taylor. That was just flat out wrong for Kanye to do that to Taylor. Ever since then I have grown to like Swift. Not really her music, just how she handled that event.

Since then West has continued to say and do things that make me and others wonder what is wrong with this dude. It is obvious something is wrong mentally with Kanye. It just is. So a question has to be asked. Does Kanye West need a doctor. Does he need therapy? I say yes.

Is it a mental problem or is it a emotional problem or is it a financial problem with him? For goodness sake, he has came out and said Bill Cosby is innocent. He has said he is the best artist in music history. He blasts his ex lady Amber Rose and so on. For sure West is a rapper who is one of if not the best rapper in the history of hip-hop/rap music. This is for sure.

But something is very wrong with the brotha. Recently he tweeted he is $53 million in personal debt. He went on to say…are you ready for this ladies and gentlemen, that instead of opening a school in Africa, “fellow rich people should support him!! He was directing this to Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg who West begged him to give him $1 BILLION!! SAY WHAT????

He also said he would take support from Google co-founder Larry Page or from other Sillicon Valley rich folks. This shows that Kanye has a very serious problem. Or is it just a act for publicity? I think he needs therapy. And needs it now. This is my opinion.

He is a father of two little kids with Kim Kardashian. He should get the help now before his children realize something is wrong with daddy. Do it before it is to late. I just mentioned only a few of his outburts over the years. On social media and in interviews. He will go off like a fire cracker at any time during a interview. The person doing the interview has to be ready for anything when they deal with West.

Rap artist Rhymefest who has worked with Kanye a lot of songs has recently pulled away from working with him. He said “my brother needs help, in the form of counseling. Spiritual & mental. He should step away from the public and heal”. Real talk!!

I agree with Rhymefest. West should get help now. Hell recently he went off on Taylor Swift AGAIN saying “Hell I made the bitch” WHY would he say that about Taylor? What in the hell has Taylor Swift done to him? Is West a HATER against Swift because she has obtained hella Grammys and American Music Awards etc? I say yes!! He is a hater against West. That is stupid and crazy.

So in ending, I am tired of Kanye West going off on people. Some say he has not got over the passing of his mom who died a few years ago during a simple breast procedure. He and his mom were very very tight. But what ever the reason is, I join others who are starting to say it is not publicity when it comes to West and his outburst. This very talented fella should check himself in and get badly needed therapy immediately.


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