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Man Arrested For Wanting To Kill President Obama

ARTICLE FROM (Full story click here)

P.S. This is truly truly sad and depressing. But we knew this would happen to President Obama soon or later and it is terrible.

And you know what readers? I blame Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh and Fox News and Ann Coulter and Laura Ingraham and other right wing racist and bigots for bringing racists like this so called man out of the closet.

Hannity and others bash President Obama in flat out racist ways each and every day and night. Hannity HATES President Obama. That is for sure. He continues to bring up OLD NEWS like Rev. Wright, Bill Ayers etc almost every night. The question is why?

I am worried about the protection of our President. I say a prayer each and every night for President Obama and his family. Because sorry to say, there are MANY more racists and bigots out here who follow Fox News and Laura Ingraham and Rush who are getting so mad at our President that they want to kill him.

I feel Rev. Al Sharpton and Rev Jesse Jackson need to go after Fox News and Hannity and stop the mis-treatment of our President.

I am worried about President Barack Obama. Gordon Curvey

We need to speak up against Fox News and Sean Hannity. He is on a mission to bring down President Obama. HE HATES PRESIDENT OBAMA. Please click out link about Fox News right here on MIC News Magazine.

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